Dealing with security trends: 6 tips

How to deal with security trends? An overview and tips of the main points, including the influx of young, highly educated security professionals, the integration of physical and security and of course drones, because 'gadgets' remain fun anyway.

There are some trends in security. Below a number of them.

Dealing with security trends

1: Call for measures after terrorist attacks

Statistically, the chance of a traffic accident is many times greater than the chance of becoming a victim of an attack. But it is not in our nature to consider risk rationally. We want measures, because that gives a safe feeling. It is important to ensure a good balance between risk and measure. It is essential to have an adequate response ready and not to stack measures. Resilience is key in these kinds of extreme threats. Knowing how to act. That is why it is especially useful to train employees in 'how' to act.

2: Greater demand for private security

Not only because of the terror threat, there is more demand for security guards , but the flow of refugees and the improving economy are also leading to greater demand. This is a good commercial development, but it does put a lot of pressure on senior and middle management, many of which have left in recent years. Little has changed in terms of providers, because the top 4 private security companies have been more or less the same for years.

3: Cyber ​​and physical, a necessary relationship

Almost every day, reports about cyber threats appear on Security Management and other media . This not only indicates a risk shift from physical to cyber. It's also a wake-up call to organizations how vulnerable they can be. And that is also an incentive to take physical security seriously. Because cybersecurity cannot exist without a solid physical basis. After all, what is the point of a firewall if you can just walk into the server room? Thanks to the trend from analog to IP, no technical security solution is possible without IT. The collaboration can therefore grow from both sides.

4: From passive to proactive security

Deploying a lot of manpower and technology to then wait for an incident has never been very efficient. It is possible to train security officers to recognize deviant behavior. This working method is taught in courses such as 'predictive profiling'. A similar development can also be observed at the tactical and strategic level. The security department focuses much more on anticipation than on repression. There is then talk of 'intelligence driven security'. In doing so, processes and techniques are used to collect and analyze information from the intelligence world. That may sound scary, but it is not. It is a matter of improving your information position. When applied properly, it leads to more security for less money, because the focus is on the right priorities.

5: The consequences of drones

Of course every security manager is thinking about ' how to deal with the threat of drones '. This is certainly important for high-risk properties. And a serious challenge for event security. But the 'toys for boys' feeling is still present in this trend.

6: Rejuvenation of security professionals

The influx of well-trained young talents with solid theoretical knowledge will lead to renewal and innovation . Because real innovation is still the most noticeable absent trend. Innovation that goes beyond more of the same smart technology, but that really contributes to the business process, is exactly what it takes to get positive attention in the boardroom.

Read more: security guards nyc


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